About Us

We are Kevin and Jill, a couple of Brits in Canada living in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. After many years of dreaming and planning, we finally moved our family (two sons aged 6 & 8) here in 2006. 

Jill Of Brits In Canada

Why Did We Move To Canada?

We fell in love with western Canada many years before we actually moved here. We wandered into Canada almost by accident whilst on holiday in the US. We loved the space, the Canadians were very friendly – we were instantly hooked. We felt it would be a great place to bring up our young family, and we spent the next few years planning our move.

Do We Miss The UK?

There are many things we miss about England. Family (of course!), good Indian food, fish and chips, pubs & the British sense of humour. We still visit the UK regularly, and there is a lot that we love about the country. But nowadays, it feels cramped and overcrowded, and it’s always a relief to get back to our home here in Canada.

Do We Regret The Move To Canada?

Kevin Of Brits In Canada

We would definitely make the same decision again. Canada has been a great place to bring kids up, and we live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. And living in a different country has been a great experience; we love having two home countries.

Who Is The Brits In Canada Blog For?

This blog is for people just like us. 

You are probably British (but you don’t need to be!). You may already be living in Canada, or you might be planning your move here. Perhaps you are in the UK, or another country, dreaming of a life in Canada.

Whatever stage you are at, you will have questions.

  • What is the cost of living compared to the UK?
  • Where should I live?
  • Where can I buy jaffa cakes?
  • Is Canada a better place to live?
  • What am I likely to miss about the UK?
  • What does minus 30 deg C feel like?
  • Do I need a visa/how do I get one/how long will it take?
  • Can I get a mortgage?
  • Why doesn’t Canadian cheese taste of anything?
  • Will I lose my UK pension when I retire?
  • What is education/healthcare like?

Over the years, we have asked ourselves the same questions. Finally, after nearly 17 years here, we either know the answers or where to find the answers.

Why Did We Decide to Write Brits In Canada?

We love to share our experience and knowledge of Canada. 

We’ve been through the dreaming and planning stages of emigrating. We have experienced the challenges of settling in a new country. 

Most importantly, we understand the differences between Canada and the UK. We know the things Brits in Canada will find challenging and confusing. So we want to answer your questions and give you the information you need from a British perspective.

What Will We Talk About?

We will talk about our own experiences in Canada. In addition, we will provide information and tips on every aspect of moving and living in Canada. Including:

  • Banks & credit cards
  • Canadian culture
  • Winters
  • Buying a house
  • Where to live
  • Immigration & visas
  • Wildlife
  • Pensions
  • Healthcare
  • Travel
  • Education
  • Sports
  • British TV
  • Food & drink

2 thoughts on “About Us”

  1. This is a great website. I live in Ontario and I work in the health care field. I am interested in bringing physicians to Canada, Ontario first and wanted to provide this type of resources to those who are thinking about coming.
    I own medical clinics and wanted recruit physicians who wanted a better life style with balance and better compensation.
    I go to the UK often as my son is studying law in Canterbury so I wanted to make my visits productive. Any advice? Thank you in advance.
    Mahendra Singh (416) 2773550

    • Hello Mahendra, thank you for your comment, we are pleased that you have found the website of use. I think the biggest issues you (and prospective employees) will need to address relate to obtaining immigration visas registration with the Medical Counil of Canada. I am not an expert in either area but I am providing a couple of links that you might find helpful. The first is to the Ontario Immigrtion Nominee Program who help businesses that are rectuiting internationally, and the second is the Medical Council of Canada (although I suspect you already have considerable knowledge of this organisation).
      1) https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-immigrant-nominee-program-oinp
      2) https://mcc.ca/credentials-and-services/pathways-to-licensure/lmcc/
      I hope this is of help and please let me know if you have any specific questions.


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